
A simple Unit Test utility used by the C Macro Collections Library. It has two main components: a Unit and a Test.

This utility uses two other libraries defined in the C Macro Collections library:

When a test is created inside a unit, it will first set the global variable cmc_assert_state to true. Then, inside the test you can use the assertions provided by the assert.h library to pass or fail a unit test automatically. By the end of a test the variable will be checked. If false it means that a certain assertion failed.

The runtime of each Unit Test is calculated using the timer.h library.


Creates a Unit that can contain tests.

  • UNAME - Unit name. This needs to be a valid function name!
  • VERBOSE - Either true or false. If true, prints every message of PASSED or FAILED from each test
  • BODY - A block of code containing tests


Creates a test within a unit. This macro can only be used inside the BODY of a CMC_CREATE_UNIT since it uses local variables allocated by the latter.

  • TNAME - Test name
  • BODY - A block of code containing the test itself

Inside a test you can use the assertions from assert.h to automatically pass or fail a test.


Aborts a unit test. This will jump to a goto located at the end of the Unit Test. Must be called inside a CMC_CREATE_TEST.

#define CMC_TEST_ABORT()


Contains information about a Unit Test. Used internally.

struct cmc_test_info
    uintmax_t total;
    uintmax_t passed;
    uintmax_t failed;
    uintmax_t assert_total;
    uintmax_t assert_failed;
    bool aborted;
    bool verbose;
  • uintmax_t total - Total tests in the unit test
  • uintmax_t passed - Total tests passed in the unit test
  • uintmax_t failed - Total tests failed in the unit test
  • uintmax_t assert_total - Total assertions in the unit test
  • uintmax_t assert_failed - Total assertions failed in the unit test
  • bool aborted - If the unit test was aborted
  • bool verbose - Information about each test is displayed


Define this macro if you wish to have color output from the messages printed by each test. Note that a Unit Test need to have VERBOSE equal to true.


#include "utl/test.h"

CMC_CREATE_UNIT(check_math, true, {
    CMC_CREATE_TEST(summation, {
        // assert.h already comes with test.h
        cmc_assert_equals(int32_t, 4, 2 + 2);

    CMC_CREATE_TEST(subtraction, {
        cmc_assert_equals(int32_t, -1, 2 - 3);

    CMC_CREATE_TEST(this will fail, {
        // test names can be text as long as they don't have a comma
        cmc_assert_greater(double, 1.0, 0.0);

    CMC_CREATE_TEST(fish, {
        // You can also manually fail a test
        if (strcmp("2 + 2", "fish") != 0)
            cmc_assert_state = false;

    CMC_CREATE_TEST(abort!, {
        if (4 % 2 == 0)

    CMC_CREATE_TEST(sad..., {
        // This test won't be called because unit test was aborted above

int main(void)
    // returns how many tests failed
    return check_math();