Error Codes

Error codes are ways to signal errors or success. It is accessed through the flag component of a struct or through a function that is present in every collection:

int PFX##_flag(struct SNAME *_collection_);

Some functions have a return type of bool indicating if it exited successfully or not. These error codes can be used for further error handling.


It is a global struct with default values for error codes.

static struct
    int OK;
    int ALLOC;
    int EMPTY;
    int NOT_FOUND;
    int INVALID;
    int RANGE;
    int DUPLICATE;
    int ERROR;
} cmc_flags = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
  • OK - No errors. The operation exited successfully.
  • ALLOC - Allocation failed.
  • EMPTY - The collection is empty when it shouldn't.
  • NOT_FOUND - Key or value not found.
  • INVALID - Invalid argument or operation given the collection's state
  • RANGE - Index out of range.
  • DUPLICATE - Duplicate key or value.
  • ERROR - Generic error. Usually caused by algorithm errors.


Maps the integer representation of error codes to their character representation.

const char *cmc_flags_to_str[8] = { "OK",        "ALLOC",   "EMPTY",
                                    "NOT_FOUND", "INVALID", "RANGE",
                                    "DUPLICATE", "ERROR" };


#include "cmc/treeset.h"
#include "utl/futils.h" // cmc_i32_cmp

// Generate a sorted set of integers
CMC_GENERATE_TREESET(tset, sortedset, int)

int main(void)
    struct sortedset *set =
        tset_new(&(struct sortedset_fval){ .cmp = cmc_i32_cmp });

    if (!tset_insert(set, 10))
        printf("Error! %s\n", cmc_flags_to_str[tset_flag(set)]);

    if (!tset_insert(set, 10))
        printf("Error! %s\n", cmc_flags_to_str[tset_flag(set)]);

    if (!tset_remove(set, 10))
        printf("Error! %s\n", cmc_flags_to_str[tset_flag(set)]);

    if (!tset_remove(set, 10))
        printf("Error! %s\n", cmc_flags_to_str[tset_flag(set)]);
